Activist Week!!

April 18-April 22, 2016: Activist Week

April 18, 2016: Lighthouse (Bring in canned goods and cleaning supplies) DRESS UP DAY: Nautical

April 19, 2016: Detroit Public Schools (Book Drive) DRESS UP DAY: Green Out

April 20, 2016: Children With Hair Loss (Hair Donation) DRESS UP DAY: Hat Day

April 21, 2016: American Red Cross (Blood Drive) DRESS UP DAY: Red Out

April 22, 2016: Orchard Lake Children's Center (Teen clothes) DRESS UP DAYS: PJ Day

Monday, April 18, 2016



What They Do?

"Be the Change” is designed to inspire peace from the inside out and to create hope while challenging individuals to find their passion for all people.

The “Be the Change” movement inspires people to notice what’s happening in the world around them, to choose actions that create positive change, and to act as a living example of the power of contribution and compassion.

By focusing on positive action, contribution and service to fellow humans, the Be the Change Movement serves as a clearing house of service ideas and inspiration for people everywhere.

“Be the Change” is a service based movement designed for youth and adults of all ages.

“Be the Change” provides immediate hope, inspiration and inclusion to every individual committed to living their lives in service to others.

“Be the Change” is a self perpetuating membership organization open to anyone who shares in it’s vision and principles.

“Be the Change” is a way of life that anyone can live in every moment.

“Be the Change” challenges it’s members to stop waiting for others to change things and to be the heroes they have been waiting for.

The “Be the Change” Movement challenges it members to commit to doing at least one intentional positive act of change each day for the benefit of others.

The “Be the Change” Movement is a movement of “attraction” and inspiration that challenges non-members to consider joining the movement and to “pay forward” any service or contribution they personally benefit from."

What They Need?

In order to help support the Be The Change Club, we need you to donate slightly used or new books!

What Do You Wear?

To support this group, we are having a Green Out!!! Inspired by Dr. Suess's, Green Eggs and Ham we followed his example... so we are greening out!!!

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